Thursday, 15 April 2010

List 1 - part a - shrubs I have

Having made her list of lists, Betty starting writing the first one. It was a list of all the shrubs that she already had in the garden.

The garden was only about 3 years old. So the previous owners were responsible for the existing plants. Not a bad collection she thought, if a little boring.

Spiraea 'GoldFlame' - nice shrub but why did they have to plant so many
Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' - lovely
Euonymus 'Silver Queen' - ok to fill space and to give evergreen interested. Needs controlling as is it taking over it's space.
Viburnum tinus - excellent shrub but infested with Viburnum beetle, so may have to go.
Mahonia 'Winter Sun' - great structural shrub.
Choisya 'Sundance' - not sure about this. And there are at least 2 of them.
Elaeagnus 'Maculata' - good for evergreen backdrop, but bit boring.
Salix 'Contorta' - interesting but ultimately will get too big.
Rosemary - ok
Pyracantha - being trained as wall shrubs. Can probably live with them
Photinia 'Red Robin' - nice but there's two of them, one has to go.
Hydrangea microphylla 'Rose Pink' - let's see what it does.
Pieris 'Mountain Fire' - wrong, wrong, wrong, needs acid soil.
Cistus 'Jessabel' - mmmm nice shrub but the soil is a bit heavy for it.
Escallonia 'Apple Blossom'

That's a lot of big shrubs for a small garden, thought Betty. And I haven't considered the ones I brought. Needs a good clear out. But could Betty ruthlessly cull the shrubs she didn't need or would she try to save them all?

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